Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Hydro beat speaker packs a punch in this lil due dad

Ok I am actually excited to tell you guys about this one. This is one of the better speakers out there, Hydro beat really set itself apart from the rest. This little guy is crammed full of cool functions and yet fits in the palm of your hand.  Has all the normal functions  play, stop, pause, but has a few added extras that the rest do not have. Like  you can adjust the volume up and down also has 2 modes a bluetooth mode and a FM radio mode. Now I live in the boondocks so for me to get about 7 stations that says alot because even on my stereo I can not get that many. It lights up and you can turn the lights off or change the floating color mode to one solid color of your choice. (Great for setting the mood in the shower wink wink) Also its freaking loud AF and has a sub woofer so you get that extra bass! I am in awe of this one. This company really made a user friendly , reliable product that blows others out of the water! I may have to purchase another one just for me!!

Stalion bluetooth speaker